
money tips


This is a blog to share about saving money tips when I’m an international student and stuck in Melbourne. 

A small change in your spending can up to thousands in savings.

  1. Earning more
  2. Saving more

Saving Money Tips No.1: Limited time to eat outside

Stop eating outside to save money
Photo by Elevate on Unsplash
  • Eating outside

  • Eating at home

Saving Money Tips No.2: Stop buying discount cloths

Photo by Parker Burchfield on Unsplash

The fact of spending money on discount clothes

Saving Money Tips No.3: Buying groceries at a cheap price

First of all, let buying seasonal foods.

How can I spend less money on food?
Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash

Check the half-price day of supermarket

Buying the frozen veggies and supermarket brand’s food

Saving Money Tips No.4: Limited your weekly spending

how to spend less money
Photo by Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash

To sum up,

P/s: Thank you for checking this blog, I am also running a Youtube Channel to share a lot of insights and stories related to Business, Media & Marketing, Personal Finance & Self Development that you can

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