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Reliable And Simple Visa Services

We specialize in providing visa services: applying for Vietnam visa extension and visas to other countries with simple, fast, and professional solutions at best prices for you.

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Fast document processing

Receiving and processing your documents in the shortest time


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Accepting Difficult Cases

At your service despite your tough situations.


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Improving visa acceptance rate

Preparing the optimal visa application for each case.




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Welcome To Sai Gon Tour        

Sai Gon Tour is a service provider specializing in consulting and preparing visa documents. With a team of consultants who are knowledgeable about the visa process, we help our clients get their immigration documents at the lowest price. We also provide other supplemental services to ensure our clients have the most fulfilling time abroad.

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Our Services

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Vietnam Visa Extension

We provide reliable, fast, and professional visa extension services.


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[ux_image_box img=”510″ image_height=”70%” image_size=”original” image_hover=”zoom” link=”https://saigontourvisa.com/2020/10/29/xin-cong-van-nhap-canh-viet-nam/?lang=en” text_align=”left”]

Landing Visa

We help prepare visa applications promptly and properly..


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Work Permit

We make applying for a work permit easier for you. .


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Company Registration

We assist you with registering your company in Vietnam in a fast manner and at a competitive price..


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We provide golf booking services throughout Vietnam, from the North to the South.


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Travel Tours

We offer fast and economical tour booking services, allowing you to have most enjoyable experiences during your trip while still saving money.




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Visa Services

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Viet Nam Visa Extension

Business visa extension (DN)

Tourist visa extension (DL)

Visa exemption extension

Student visa extension (DH)

Extension for other visas TT, VR, etc.


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Vietnam landing visa

Business landing visa (DN)

Tourist landing visa (DL)

Visiting Relatives landing visa (TT)

Student landing visa (DH)

Others landing visa

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Temporary residence card

Investor Card

Work Permit

Visiting Relatives Card

Marriage Card

Visa exemption for 5 years

Other types of visa

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Other services

Driver’s license conversion

Flight booking

Other related services




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Commitment From Sai Gon Tour



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» Commit not to charge service fee if you are not granted your Visa

» Long experience Dedicated service Quick results 

» High success rate; 99% of our clients were granted visas.


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Comments From Customers

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High quality service with affordable price, thank you Việt Tour.

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Mr Nguyễn Hải Nam

Visa customer


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High quality service with affordable price, thank you Việt Tour.

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[divider align=”center” width=”100px” margin=”0.8em” color=”rgb(81, 135, 174)”]

Mr Nguyễn Hải Nam

Visa customer


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High quality service with affordable price, thank you Việt Tour.

[featured_box img_width=”50″ pos=”left” class=”circle”]

[divider align=”center” width=”100px” margin=”0.8em” color=”rgb(81, 135, 174)”]

Mr Nguyễn Hải Nam

Visa customer



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Đồng hồ chuẩn chính hãng, chất lượng tốt, mặt hàng đa dạng, giá cả hợp lý. Hàng về tay nhanh chóng, đúng hẹn, nếu có trục trặc cũng giải thích rất rõ ràng với khác hàng.

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[divider align=”center” width=”100px” margin=”0.8em” color=”rgb(81, 135, 174)”]

Anh Nguyễn Hải Nam

CEO Công Ty Viettalk



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Đồng hồ chuẩn chính hãng, chất lượng tốt, mặt hàng đa dạng, giá cả hợp lý. Hàng về tay nhanh chóng, đúng hẹn, nếu có trục trặc cũng giải thích rất rõ ràng với khác hàng.

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[divider align=”center” width=”100px” margin=”0.8em” color=”rgb(81, 135, 174)”]

Anh Nguyễn Hải Nam

CEO Công Ty Viettalk



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Đồng hồ chuẩn chính hãng, chất lượng tốt, mặt hàng đa dạng, giá cả hợp lý. Hàng về tay nhanh chóng, đúng hẹn, nếu có trục trặc cũng giải thích rất rõ ràng với khác hàng.

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[divider align=”center” width=”100px” margin=”0.8em” color=”rgb(81, 135, 174)”]

Anh Nguyễn Hải Nam

CEO Công Ty Viettalk









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Visa News & Handbook

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